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What I loved about the book "Mujeres del Alma Mía"


Les comparto mi takeaway del libro “Soul of a Woman”, reafirmando mi camino y pasión por crear comunidad para nosotras. 

Por más círculos, ceremonias, danza, y colaboraciones que eleven nuestras voces y espíritus. Que mujer tan admirable con todos sus errores compartidos en este libro y sus virtudes que ya las conocemos. 

Estas fueron mis quotes favoritas:

"Connections among women are the most feared, and potentially most transforming force on the planet. Alone we are vulnerable while together we THRIVE....

What a powerful force those circles would create! Millions of connected women circles could end the patriarchy.”

"One of the most efficient ways to have a positive impact in the world is by investing in women”
– @allendeisabel

Acá el resumen:

A powerful and Inspiring meditation of what it means to be a Woman.

In the book "The Soul of a Woman" (Mujeres del Alma Mía) Isabel shares her personal experiences as a woman and reflects on the history and struggles of women around the world.

The Latina author talks about her own life story, from her childhood in Chile to her career as a writer and a fierce feminist. She shares how the women in her life, especially her mother and grandmother, influenced and inspired her.

Throughout the book, Isabel Allende discusses the challenges that women have faced throughout history, such as gender discrimination and violence, the dangers of penalized abortion and the hardships of Motherhood. She also celebrates the achievements and contributions of many remarkable women, from suffragettes to artists and activists.

"The Soul of a Woman" is a powerful and inspiring book that encourages women to stand up for themselves and to fight for equality and justice. It's a call to action for women to embrace their own power and to create a better future for themselves and for generations to come.

Verdaderamente inspirador. 

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Latina Retreat Save the Date!

Latina Retreat Save the Date!

Como la flor, keep going keep growing!

Como la flor, keep going keep growing!


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